Meet Sue

Spa Manager + Esthetician

sign: aquarius

coffee order: regular with cream

pet: my grey and white cat Sweet Pea

What inspires you in the beauty industry?

What I find inspiring in the beauty industry is that beauty has no age limitations. People at any age are embracing whatever makes them happy and that is refreshing.

What do you specialize in?

I specialize in esthetics, which here at Avante, is customized facial treatments, face and body waxing, brow and lash treatments, makeup,  and body treatments. 

When you aren’t in the spa, where are you? What are you doing?

I spend my time away from Avante at our family mountain house, where I love to fish and sit by the lake. I love being outdoors. Whether it's going for a hike, working in the vegetable garden, or lying in the hammock, that's where you'll find me!! Unless it's raining. Then I'm watching sports or anything British!!!